Apr 3, 2014

Artistry in Wood (and on gourds)!

I will be showing some gourd art with my friend Betty at this show coming up on April 12th! Here's the website with all the info.

Dec 21, 2013

Farm scenes

I ran out of gourds early this year, so I had to pick up painting again! But have no fear, there is a new crop in the greenhouse going through their natural process.

Jun 18, 2013

Papa & Cassidy's Afternoon Gourd Creation

Today I picked up my 5 year old granddaughter from school. We drove to my house, where she ate lunch and proceeded to tell me she wanted to plant flowers and water the plants. We had a great time doing these chores. As may of my readers of this blog know I make "Gourd Art". The piece pictured here was created by Papa (me) and Cassidy Froh.
After she became bored with the plants I suggested she help me with this project, her answer was "cool Papa"so we started. After an hour of drilling and cutting wire for legs, cutting a base and hot gluing, we had the rough work done.  Before her Mom picked her up we had  the first coat of paint applied.  I finished the rest of the details after she left and applied the poly, and it was finished, all in one very enjoyable afternoon with my little future artist.           - Papa

May 31, 2013

A retrospective of gourd art in the house

Painting by Isabella.

Me and Connie wearing t-shirts bought for us by Kelly, designed by her cartoonist friends.

Rosie sits in this exact place with her head cocked to the Frisbee to let me  know she wants to play. 

Dec 22, 2012


1 Corinthians 13 EXCERPT 

 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Lady Chef with bendy neck

Nov 26, 2012

Holiday gourds and one mouse

These small gourds were decorated at a Sunday School class at St. John's UCC in Sheboygan.