Jun 18, 2013

Papa & Cassidy's Afternoon Gourd Creation

Today I picked up my 5 year old granddaughter from school. We drove to my house, where she ate lunch and proceeded to tell me she wanted to plant flowers and water the plants. We had a great time doing these chores. As may of my readers of this blog know I make "Gourd Art". The piece pictured here was created by Papa (me) and Cassidy Froh.
After she became bored with the plants I suggested she help me with this project, her answer was "cool Papa"so we started. After an hour of drilling and cutting wire for legs, cutting a base and hot gluing, we had the rough work done.  Before her Mom picked her up we had  the first coat of paint applied.  I finished the rest of the details after she left and applied the poly, and it was finished, all in one very enjoyable afternoon with my little future artist.           - Papa